Monday, May 26, 2008

General MacArthur's Address - Duty, Honor, Country

By way of preface, I just visited a website and read General MacArthur's 1962 address, (posted May 26, 2008). I have heard some of this address before, but today I read it all for the first time. I posted the following comment in response (in Canadian English, of course), but thought I would also post it in my blog. Oh, and for those who are concerned for political correctness, my use of "he" and "mankind" is non-gender-specific. (Historically speaking however, it is usually men who cause the most trouble anyway. Aside from the obvious problems of wage disparity and sexual discrimination, I feel that for most women to be equal with men would require them to take a step down. I don't really know how often any given woman wishes she could be more like a man, or at least have his same opportunities, but in my case, when it comes to strength of character, I am often amazed at the good examples most women set. I look at my wife, and often wish I could achieve the same degree of goodness in my life as she does in hers. She makes it look easy - and I don't think it ever is for me. OK, OK enough philosophy! Sorry! This post is supposed to be "drips of ink from my mind", not an overturn of the inkwell!)

Thank you for posting "Duty, Honor, Country". I have long admired General MacArthur and it felt rather nostalgic to read his address. General MacArthur was eloquent and insightful and a man who loved his country. As I consider those who have purchased freedom with their precious blood, I deeply appreciate their sacrifices. Recently, I have been reminded and your post has reminded me again today, that a single individual can do much good if they try. Of course, the opposite is also true - a single individual can do much harm if he chooses. Ours seems to be the task to choose what we will be, whom we will influence and whether the force of our lives will exert good or ill on the rest of mankind. And I don't believe that we have to be on the front line of war to do our work. Perhaps the toughest front line we face is within our own hearts? Do we fulfil our duty to both man and God? Do we honour the noble things of life? Do we honour the sacrifices of those who pioneered our present ease? Do we protect our country from moral erosion as well as physical bondage? I, for one, struggle to do these things. Today, I suppose it is good to be reminded that others have struggled too - and because many have succeeded, perhaps we can too. Perhaps I can…

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