Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Virtual Visit To Sweden

Hi everyone,
I just returned from a fifteen minute visit to Sweden, courtesy of Anita. I thought some of you might like to visit too. Her pictures are great. (To view some of them, you use the space bar and arrow keys.) Enjoy...

As for my book, I got very good news. When I returned my changes from the first edit, the editor liked them all and forwarded the manuscript to the copy editor. The manuscript just came back for the second time - this time it is formatted to publish. Awesome! I am now going through it for perhaps the last time!!!! Yes!!! Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not excited - ecstatic, thrilled and electrified perhaps, but not excited.

I'll keep you posted, but right now I am on page 65 of about 500. (The font size may change, but right now, the book is huge in its 6x8 inch format.) I've also been working on front cover designs and finalizing my photos and photo captions for this first volume. Thank you for your interest. I appreciate your many visits. I'll put editing progress updates in the side bar.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Answers to "Semi" Poll Questions

Thank you to those who took the poll as well as to those who just had a look but refrained from indicating their opinions. I hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless. Here are the answers.

From 110KPH/68MPH, on level ground, when I prepare to stop my loaded Super B Grain Truck, I let off the fuel: 2000 M before a stop sign

From 68MPH / 110KPH, a loaded Super B Grain Truck and its 2 Trailers, on level ground, can coast: 3000 M before rolling to a stop

A Super B Grain Truck & its 2 Trailers have: 30 tires

In Alberta, Canada, a legally loaded Super B Grain Truck & its 2 Trailers weigh: As much as 40 mini-vans

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Handful Of Stars Came Down

A lone spotlight burst upon the stage, revealing a shiny stand that held a unique looking microphone. Instantly, a profound hush settled over the sold out seats of the auditorium. Hundred of bodies silently breathed in expectation. There were so many people sitting around me, yet I could have heard a pin drop. An unfamiliar figure strode out of the darkness and up to the illuminated microphone. He began to speak. The sound was clear, but my eyes were still adjusting to the light. The familiar radio voice, I knew so well, reached out to me and I smiled with a mixture of surprise and delight. No preamble, no introductory act to warm up the audience, the tall, slender figure was the man I had come to see. He was live and in person and I had a forth row centre seat! Sound filled the theatre as he spoke, “Hello everyone,” the grey-harried man greeted, “I’m Stuart McLean and this is the Vinyl Café.” The first of countless cheers spontaneously thundered into life, filling the confines of the curved theatre with approval. The show had begun!

For over two hours, Stuart entertained us. He read three Dave & Morley stories, two of them brand new. I especially enjoyed his tale about the lottery ticket. In the story, an old man claimed to have a million dollar lottery ticket, yet he finally died without ever having scratched it to be sure. During the ten years the aged man had owned the ticket, he often asked his visitors what they would do with a million dollars. To his last breath, the old grandfather claimed that having a dream was more important that the money he would win, but he insisted that the unscratched ticket was a winner. The tale made me think – and those who know me, even a little, know that I like that sort of thing.

Intermingled with the wonderful stories, Stuart also presented a mini concert. Original and unique musical numbers were performed by Sheila & Amanda of the group called Dala, as well as a soloist, Danny Michel. The delightful musical score was rounded out by a brilliant piano piece performed by John Sheard. All in all, the evening was wonderfully refreshing. Following the grand events, I was privileged to meet all the performers. Greetings were exchanged and autographs obtained. Are we having fun yet? Oh yeah! I smiled all the way home!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Walking On Water

Hey everyone,
On March 1, 2008, Decon and I took our daughters, Tara and Amberle, as well as friends, Greg and Adam, on another snowshoeing adventure. This time, we went to Chinook Lake in the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. The day was perfect! This was Decon's and my third snowshoe trip (I haven't posted photos for the second one yet, but plan to.) Our group of six ended up tramping out about a 6 KM trail (about 4 miles) and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. At the far west end of the lake, after we all walked on water (OK, it was frozen but it was actual water), we boiled up some savory, sweet, hot chocolate. The snow was beginning to get soft, and this trip looked to be the last for this season. However, there is always next year. It was totally awesome!!! Here's the slide show.