Sunday, February 3, 2008

Remembering President Gordon B. Hinckley

Virginia H. Pierce, daughter of Gordon B. Hinckley, made this sweet comment at his February 2nd funeral: (The first few minutes of the funeral service is music, and the entire broadcast is about 90 minutes in length. You can also visit the church's website for more info - ie. press releases, about the church, etc.)

Virginia H. Pierce said this about those who worked closely with her father: "There is nothing so touching to the human soul as to see men and women of great power extend private, thoughtful and quiet kindness."

In my life, President Gordon B. Hinckley has been a profound influence, leading me by example as well as inspiring me with the spoken word to try to stand a little taller and be a little kinder. While I have sometimes forgotten his wise council, I have also sometimes succeeded in practicing it. My small successes continue to give me hope.

Several years ago, when President Hinckley last visited our area, he took a few moments of his precious time to shake the hands of my son and a few of my son's friends. Over the years, I have observed Pres. Hinckley and greatly appreciate that kindness to my son as well as his many other influences on my life and the lives of my wife and children. I knew Gordon B. Hinckley as Prophet of God - a man to listen to and a man to believe. I will greatly miss him. In my own life, I wish I was half the man he was, yet because of his stellar example, I have hope to do better. I think that if I stand a little taller and be a little kinder, for a long enough period of time, perhaps I will get there too. Here's hoping! Now its time to go to work - one step at a time.

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